Camping 3hrs outside Esplanade waiting for fireworks..
Conclusion after fireworks... 人比人,气死人。。 人吓人,吓死人。。 人挤人,变扁人, 如果不要变扁人, 就不要到处去挤人。。哈哈
29 July 2010 ♥
My Vans ♥ 22:19
My First Vans :)
28 July 2010 ♥
Life ♥ 19:40
Life As you see through life You will see that there is so much more that we dont understand And the only thing we really know Is things dont always go the way we planned
We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.